Salesforce Certificate

Thursday, 19 February 2015

New Features in Mobile SDK 3.1

SmartSync Library Feature (Unified SmartSync API for native and hybrid apps)

With the use of Unified SmartSync Framework we can easily store the data locally using the Cordova’s smartSync plugins and APIS. With the use of following two methods.this will provide us the ability to store objects locally and sync them to the cloud.
  1. syncUp()
  2. syncDown()

Authentication Feature

Salesforce Mobile SDK 3.1 have flows to initiate authentication with an enterprise certificate.

Note: The above features are supported only in iOS7+ and Android Lollipop (API 21) and above.

CocoaPods for iOS

Now, we have the ability to consume the Salesforce Mobile SDK through CocoaPods, which makes dependency management a chore of the past. It’s now easier than ever before to insert Salesforce Mobile SDK modules into an existing app or evolve a new app with other third party libraries.

Gradle for Native Android Apps :

Android Studio and the Gradle build system are now fully supported for native apps. Gradle support for hybrid apps will arrive after the next Cordova update.

GitHub Repos


Hybrid App :

Reference Links: